OBJECTIVE: Ice-O-Matic approached FUZE to completely overhaul their existing web presence. The current state of their website didn’t reflect the success of the brand or the quality of their tradeshow and print assets. In addition, the technical support team needed new digital tools to provide their service techs with the right documentation at the right time.
Ice-O-Matic and FUZE decided that the Kentico CMS would provide the best platform to create a unique and functional brand experience for their wide range of users: from buyers to service techs, to foodservice consultants.
We strategically reorganized existing content to better facilitate a positive user experience, with a specific concentration on getting a user to their information with as few clicks as possible. Building in Kentico’s ASP.NET architecture allowed us to use C# coding to construct a faster, cleaner website. Features include a custom-built machine calculator and gated distributor portal.

RESULTS: Ice-O-Matic’s new website reflects their best-inclass product offerings and serves as a highly effective platform for future growth. As part of our Growth-Driven Design model, Ice-O-Matic and FUZE regularly add and improve features and content based on user engagement.
Visit Ice-O-Matic’s site at: https://iceomatic.com/
Services: UI/UX Design, Kentico Web Development, Web Design, Copywriting, Graphic Design, Project Management, Photo Editing